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While this change or transition for families from parents to co-parents is difficult it is possible and can be done effectively with the best interest of the children in mind. There are options available to you.
We can help you
navigate the change.

Ottawa Co-Parenting Solutions


"From Parents to Co-Parents"

Effective Co-Parenting 

Co-Parenting is not a competition. It is developing a collaboration of two homes working together with the best interest of your children at heart despite feelings of anger, betrayal, bitterness and/or resentment. 


Raising children presents challenges for all parents. In separation, when parents live in separate homes and become “co-parents" the challenges of raising children is often greater because relationships become more complicated and decision making is not as straightforward or shared as it once was. 


What is of great importance is to establish a process of "effective co-parenting" which is about preserving a healthy and ongoing relationship between children and both parents after separation. Positive involvement with both parents furthers the child's emotional and social development, academic achievement, and overall adjustment. 


Adult children of divorce/separation often describe the loss of contact with a parent and ongoing conflict between their parents as the most painful part of divorce or parental separation. While this change or transition for families from parents to co-parents is difficult, it is possible and can be done effectively with the best interest of the children in mind.  


There are alternative dispute resolution options available to you. We can help you navigate the change. 


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